

Sunday - 10:30 AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7:00 PM ministry training

Missions · Reaching the World for Christ

Harvest Church is fully committed to seeing the Gospel spread throughout the world.

Rwanda for Jesus! One of the exciting things God is doing through Harvest Church is bringing reconciliation to the nation of Rwanda. Rwanda experienced a devastating genocide, with over 800,000 people from tribe being killed in just over 100 days. Currently we are ministering to thousands of pastors. Pastor Jim conducts pastor's training conferences across the nation, equipping and encouraging pastors in this struggling nation.

Bibles for Rwanda:    One of the extensions of our ministry to Rwanda is to purchase and deliver Bibles to the pastors and believers of Rwanda. Many of the pastors do not own a Bible and in most of the villages, there is only one Bible per congregation. 

The Net Radio Broadcast:  Each week, Pastor Jim preaches the life-changing messages, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. This broadcast reaches over 200 million people across the nations of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, The Republic of Congo, Sudan, and crosses into several other countries.  

Missionary Support:    Harvest Church also supports many foreign and United States missionaries. We currently have missionaries in China, Peru, Japan, the Netherlands, and East Africa, as well supporting national missionaries in NYC, Native American Indian Reservations, and Asian National Church Planting Efforts.

How to Give:  Go to our giving link, and mark the memo line, "Africa for Jesus!" 100% of proceeds go to the missions endeavors, no monies are kept or used for administrative costs.

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