Running Interference for God


Sunday - 10:30 AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7:00 PM ministry training

by: Jim Zenger



This past Sunday, as part of the message, I mentioned how we can have the right intentions, but if our thoughts are not renewed to God's word, we can follow through with the wrong actions. One of the areas I talked about, was parenting. As parents, sometimes we want to rescue our children, especially our adult children. But are we really?

One of the things we here a lot about today is the problem people have of enabling others. Enabling may be a good term, but I believe the real Biblical concept is that of "interfering with God." In Galatians 6:7, Paul wrote, "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." ESV  When our children continue to do things that are destructive, make poor decisions and find themselves without work, food or a place to stay, and we come to their rescue, are we really loving them? Please note, I said, "continue." What I'm talking about is a life pattern. 

God created this world to operate on a simple principle called "Seedtime and Harvest" or "Sowing and Reaping". Another way of saying it would be - "Action and Consequence." When parents step in to rescue their children, without allowing them to experience the consequences of their actions, what they are actually doing is interfering with God's plan for their lives. You pray and ask God to change your children, even to save them, but is it possible that you, the parent, are the one interfering with God's plan to reach and change them?

Just something to think about.

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This past Sunday, as part of the message, I mentioned how we can have the right intentions, but if our thoughts are not renewed to God's word, we can follow through with the wrong actions. One of the areas I talked about, was parenting. As parents, sometimes we want to rescue our children, especially our adult children. But are we really?

One of the things we here a lot about today is the problem people have of enabling others. Enabling may be a good term, but I believe the real Biblical concept is that of "interfering with God." In Galatians 6:7, Paul wrote, "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." ESV  When our children continue to do things that are destructive, make poor decisions and find themselves without work, food or a place to stay, and we come to their rescue, are we really loving them? Please note, I said, "continue." What I'm talking about is a life pattern. 

God created this world to operate on a simple principle called "Seedtime and Harvest" or "Sowing and Reaping". Another way of saying it would be - "Action and Consequence." When parents step in to rescue their children, without allowing them to experience the consequences of their actions, what they are actually doing is interfering with God's plan for their lives. You pray and ask God to change your children, even to save them, but is it possible that you, the parent, are the one interfering with God's plan to reach and change them?

Just something to think about.

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