

Sunday - 10:30 AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7:00 PM ministry training

The latest at Harvest Church

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Running Interference for God

by: Jim Zenger



This past Sunday, as part of the message, I mentioned how we can have the right intentions, but if our thoughts are not renewed to God's word, we can follow through with the wrong actions. One of the areas I talked about, was parenting. As parents, sometimes we want to rescue our children, especially our adult children. But are we really?

One of the things we here a lot about today is the problem people have of enabling others. Enabling may be a good term, but I believe the

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Mind Craft

by: Jim Zenger



The Apostle Paul states in Romans 8:5,6 that "those who live according to the flesh, set their minds on the things of the flesh and those who live according to the Spirit, set their minds on the things of the Spirit." What the Bible is teaching us is that where we focus our minds, literally controls what's happening in our lives.

In the book of Proverbs, chapter 4, Solomon tells us to "guard our hearts, for out of it flows the issues of life." The word "issues" means the "o

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Christmas Tags

by: Jim Zenger



As a child, I really don't remember much about the wrapping, bows and ribbons on the presents under the tree. What I do remember, is searching under the tree and looking at the most important part of the unwrapped present - the Christmas Tag! If my name wasn't on the tag, then I knew that present wasn't for me. But I also learned that who the present was from was equally important. I remember my grandmother didn't give us gifts very often, but I quickly learned that when t

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Life is Calling

by: Jim Zenger



Years ago, I heard an old Indian saying which states, "When you were born, you cried and the whole world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the whole world cries and you rejoice."

Life is meant to be lived, not survived. God created man to be a living being, not just a breathing being. There's a story in John 11 about the a man Lazarus. Usually the focus is on how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Can you imagine the difference in Lazarus' life afte

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It's Time for Your Comeback!!

by: Jim Zenger



Have you ever had dreams that have been crushed? You know, dreams that you just knew would be a big part of the future you, but now, they're gone. Maybe people told you to give up on that dream. Maybe you actually buried that dream so deep, that it's as good as dead. There may even be a metaphorical gravestone placed in your heart where the dream once lived. 

I have good news for you today! We serve a God that is a God of resurrection. He might not revive the actual dream t

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Online Giving Now LIVE!

by: Alyssia Laudick



Harvest Church is so excited to announce that Online Giving is NOW available through the site!

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Welcome To The New Harvest Church Website

by: Jim Zenger



We are so excited to present our newly designed website. As you can see, it has a fresh new look and easy navigation to help you get the information you need quickly and efficiently. Many thanks to the ChurchSpring team for helping us launch such a beautiful new church website. To God be the glory!

Harvest Church's Vision is to See the Lost Saved, See the Saved Set Free, See the Free Restored, and See the Restored Fulfilled. Please let us know how we can help you.


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